DGTrak - The Ultimate Ai platform.
Dynamic, Configurable, plug-in analytic algorithms

LBGW - LoRa/ BLE Gateway Ideabytes

What is DGTrak?

A versatile cloud solution that empowers one to digitally transform their business and empowers one to Manage, Monitor and Maintain their business efficiently from wherever internet is available. It is the heart of Digital Governance Traking as outlined in 21 CRF part 11.
Developed as part of an iRAP (Govt of Canada) sponsored research project with a primary focus on agriculture, the architecture implemented makes it flexible to support any industry by simply defining the configuration in the database and no changes to the code base.

Availability: White labeled to you needs or on a SaaS model?

The web-based platform is available for developers to white label their solutions as well as a service to companies that just want a solution customized to their needs.

Mobile applications on iOS and Android with dynamic configurations:

Besides the web interface, our customers prefer to have a dedicated mobile application, and answering this is our iOS and Android applications that have been designed with dynamism in mind. Add or remove sensors and data analytic plug-ins from the configuration without having to create a new version of the application.


Security is an integral part of the application. Every effort has been made to secure the system from external and internal hacking. We pay particular attention to internal hacking as most attacks comes from within. Data storage in Servers in the country in which data is collected is available as an option to customers or countries that require this.

Turnkey Solutions:

A key differentiating value is that DGTrak supports all the IbSmart sensors, making it a one stop show for your needs. Contact us to demonstrate how the DGTrak portfolio can provide you with an effective solution and compare our pricing and versatility with solutions like DataDog.

DGTrak – In agriculture:

To maximize yield of any crop requires optimal conditions. With DGTrak, Greenhouses are able to Manage, Maintain and Monitor all the elements required to produce the highest quality produce with the utmost efficiency. Using a plethora of sensors to monitor soil conditions, light, HVAC, nutrients, and early disease control with Ai methods – DGTrak is a solution that Green houses need to compete in today’s market.

DGTrak servicing Temperature control systems:

Cold storage systems house valuable wares and if the temperature goes above or below a threshold the wares are a write off. With DGTrak, one can remotely monitor the temperature at any time, get early warning if the area is cooling off or warming up to breach the set point. A temperature cooling system is more than monitoring temperature, but keeping an eye on the system itself. Monitoring the power consumed, in conjunction with the time taken to warm or cool, the external temperature and the pressure of the coolant is very informative about the health of a system. When parameters start to go out of normal, early preventive action prevents the spoilage of goods stored in these environments.

Sponsored by IRAP Canada